Monday, December 29, 2008

The Kirby

I was going to post about this a while ago but never got around to it. I guess since technically it was a birthday/Christmas present to me it's appropriate to still post. To understand how funny this story is, you have to have some background information. When Justin was a kid, the Kirby vacuum salesman was at their house giving a demonstration. If you haven't sat through a demo before, they make it a dramatic as a vacuum demonstration can possibly be. I'm sure with 7 kids in awe of the awsome power of Kirby watching, the pressure to buy wasn't just coming from the salesman. At the end of the demonstration, the kids were allowed to choose between buying a T.V. or a new vacuum. They picked the vacuum (it must have been some demonstration). Justin went without a T.V. for most of Justin's life (which I think is a good thing but Justin doesn't agree) So as long as I've known Justin, the above story always ended with "That dang Kirby salesman!!!"
Fast forward to a few months ago. The Kirby people came around setting up appointments to shampoo one room. I like clean carpets as much as the next person so we agreed to sit through the demo. The entire time (which was about 2 hours) I told the guy there is no way I was buying a vacuum. At the end, he stepped outside to let Justin and I discuss the vacuum. I figured there was nothing to discuss. Justin immediately says, "I think we should get one" It's true that our vacuum was on it's last leg but I wasn't going to spend that much on a vacuum. At that point he suggested that the $$ would come out of his pocket not the household account. The best part of this whole story is that Vanessa had recently put chips in the DVD player and in his attempts to fix it, Justin killed the TV. The TV we are currently using is a 9 inch portable that Justin has for the camp trailer (once again, I don't think it's a bad thing) I'll have to admit, the Kirby is a great vacuum. The only draw back is that it's on the heavy side (not fun for stairs) and you have to practically take it apart to use the attachments. So now everytime I need attachments it's me saying "Dang Kirby salesman".


Jenn and Jared said...

That is hilarious! Having had a kirby for awhile, I know the feeling. Enjoy the vacumm and if Justin needs his tv fix, you guys just come over and hang out. Clean carpets with children is better anyway!

Danielle said...

Can I borrow that heavy tub of bolts? ;)

Danielle said...

hey, and just a p.s. to you...if you want to make me a girl on your list of blogs, my name is Danielle, not Daniel. Either way, it doesn't matter...I am pretty secure with myself.

Danielle said...

Look at that! I'm a girl! Thanks, Kim! hehehe

averysplace said...

Ha Ha Ha... Kim maybe you should get a job as a kirby sellswoman maybe there are other suckers like justin in this world!!!