Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Yesterday we had our first little snow storm. The kids were so excited. It didn't last very long and it melted away pretty quickly but it brought huge, wet flakes that were perfect for catching on your tongue (Ethan) or making snowmen(Caden). Vanessa spent most of the time just running with her arms stretched out. Alliya loved eating snow. Justin had risked life and limb to hang our Christmas lights (OK he never was in any danger). Having the house decorated and a little snow really brought the holiday excitement home. The kids ask about a million times a day when Christmas is coming.
I almost lost the magic of Christmas for Caden on accident. I have a little Santa Claus that sits on the table. One day Alliya was trying to feed her yogurt to the Santa. I casually told her to stop feeding the Santa, he's not real (meaning he couldn't eat). Caden (with a lot of emotion) said, "Yes he is, he's REAL". I think there's been some debate on the school bus between the older and younger kids as to the truth about Santa. Caden is not about to quit believing. He would really like a turtle for Christmas and he knows mom's against it. Santa is his only hope (even though I've explained to him that Santa asks the mommy first if a pet is requested). The other kids aren't really concerned (I don't think they realize there's any debate over Santa's exsistence). Driving down the road, Vanessa saw an inflatable Santa Claus that wasn't inflated at that time. She pointed and told Ethan, "Look, Santa's dead" then without missing a beat started pointing out the other sights.
I love this time of year, especially with young kids. It's such a magical time for them and I hope they believe for a long time to come.

1 comment:

Jenn and Jared said...

Your kids are so funny. Thanks for giving me your blog address. I will keep an eye on it. It was nice to talk to you at the party.