Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Bubba

Being "Daddy's Little Girl" is a priority around here. Vanessa caught on very quickly that daddy was wrapped tightly around her finger and she is not afraid to use this power. She has a shirt that says "Daddy's Little Girl" and she uses it to her advantage. The second Justin walks through the door, Vanessa will run up to him, give him a hug and point to her shirt and say "I'm Daddy's Little Girl", then she will ask for anything under the sun knowing full well that she will get it. Manoucheca has caught on to this now too. For no other reason than the simple fact that he's Justin, Justin decided to nickname Manoucheca, Bubba (as if she doesn't have enough names already). When ever Justin is around, she always tells him that she's his Bubba. She even points to pictures of herself and states "that's Bubba". It's always done with a smile and a sly look toward Justin. They even have the other kids calling her Bubba. How in the world did my little princess turn into Bubba (isn't that a redneck name?) As I rock her to sleep, I've always asked "Are you my baby?" to which she'd reply "I your baby". Now I get "No, I Bubba". Part of me says "Don't worry, this too shall pass" like when he wanted to call her Moo Moo. Then there's the part of me that's a little nervous because I've met a 40 year old woman named Scooter, a nickname she received before the age of one.

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