Friday, November 28, 2008

I can't believe our little turkey is 7

WOW, last year just flew by (not to mention the 6 before that). I can't believe Caden is already 7. Evidently he feels differently about it. Cade woke-up the morning of his birthday and the first thing he said is, "Am I FINALLY 7?" I guess he'll spend the next year patiently waiting to turn 8. He wanted a turkey birthday cake this year (I think it's because he went to a Halloween themed birthday in Oct so he decided he'd need to do a Thanksgiving theme). It is probably the first ever turkey birthday cake, one of kind just like the birthday boy. He had a blast at his party. It was complete chaos from my viewpoint but we survived and everyone had fun. It was very hard for him to limit the number of guests and I was pleasantly surprised that he stuck pretty close to the limit I had set. He made the invitations and delivered them by himself (Mister Independent, as usual) so I was expecting most of the neighborhood. He loved all of the gifts. As he opened the gift card from Grandpa John and Grandma Patsy, his eyes got wide and he exclaimed, "They sent me a credit card. Now I can buy anything I want and not pay for it until later". Between the gift card and the cash Lindsay sent, Caden thought he was the riches 7 year old in the world. Of course, he went shopping immediately and was very pleased with the Stormtrooper helmet he picked-out. Always wanting to keep-up with big brother, Ethan is currently planning his 7th Birthday. I'm trying to convience him to just focus on being 4. Caden got to read a book to his class on his birthday and the kids and I went to listen. Caden had Ethan come sit up front on his chair with him. Ethan was so proud, he was in absolute Heaven. He doesn't see any reason why he shouldn't just skip the rest of pre-school and Kindergarden and go to school with Caden right now. They are all growing-up so fast.

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