Monday, September 22, 2008

Why you should never make mud pies with Ethan

The kids were out playing in the sandbox while I caught-up with some house work. It wasn't long before Vanessa came in covered with mud. When I asked her what happened she explained that Ethan had thrown mud at her. Vanessa followed me outside and I tried to explain to Ethan that it wasn't nice to throw sand at his sister and he would have to come in for a time-out. The problem with this approach was that Ethan wasn't paying attention to me at all. He kept looking at Vanessa and laughing saying, "Vanessa looks FUNNY". After several attempt at discussing the situation I finally gave up (I was having a hard time not laughing at this point). So I took some pictures and put all three of them in a bath. Honestly, could you have disciplined that giggly faced boy????
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my... You are one patient mommy. I wouldn't have even thought to pull out the camera. By the way... doesn't one of your kiddos have a dr. appt. soon so I can have the others??
