Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We had such a fun Halloween!! We had perfect trick-or-treating weather (normally we freeze while we're out) the kids didn't even need coats. We all had a good time walking around the neighborhood. We would have been done a lot faster if we'd let Caden and Ethan set the pace. They were sprinting from house to house and quite frankly, Justin, the girls and I were holding them back. I was surprised at how quickly Manoucheca got over her shyness when she realized there was candy at stake. The hardest part for her was to not stop and eat each piece. Vanessa was having a hard time walking in her Minnie Mouse feet so she was content to sit in the wagon and have Dad pull her around while Caden brought her share of the candy to her. She was quite the little diva. Towards the end, all four kids plus a family friend managed to climb aboard the wagon and let Justin tow them. I estimate that he was pulling about 190 lbs and not even complaining. He's such a good sport. Caden would have hit every house in the valley if we would have been willing. He doesn't even like candy that much but he loves to trick-or-treat. He is such a social kid. Ethan was really proud of his costume and was excited that Caden and he were BOTH power rangers. He looks-up to his big brother a lot. So, it meant a lot to him that Caden thought Ethan's costume was cool enough that he wanted to be a ranger too.

We had waited until the Tuesday before Halloween to carve pumpkins and I'm glad we did. They were already getting mushy by Saturday. The kids had fun carving (or making mom carve) the pumpkins they picked out. Caden did his entirely by himself. Ethan wanted his to look like "Big Green Monster" his favorite book so he had me carve it. I'll tell you, scraggely hair is hard to carve. I wouldn't let the girls play with knives so they just told me how they wanted the eyes, etc.. I did allow them to clean-out most of the seeds however. They didn't enjoy that slimy part, especially Vanessa. Not surprisingly, Ethan didn't mind playing in the slime one bit.

1 comment:

Jenn and Brandon said...

Kim, I don't know if you remember me, but I used to work with Justin at Highmark. . .I found you though my cousin Heather's blog. Your family is so cute! Tell Justin "Hi" for me. Ü